William Beaumont

Senior Programmer
William Beaumont studied computer science at Cal Lutheran University, and brings a diverse array of skills for bringing a website to life. From initial Photoshop designs he is able to use modern HTML, CSS and JavaScript standards to implement the designer’s vision, either as standalone web pages or as virtual pages in a content management system like WordPress. He is experienced with creating pages with dynamic content both on the backend (PHP and MySQL) and on the frontend (AJAX and JSON). From project design to final deliverables, he maintains a meticulous eye on potential issues and pitfalls so that the client is kept in the loop about any “reality checks” that may require amending their wishlist, keeping things as honest as possible. He lives for that “Eureka!” moment when the solution to a seemingly intractable software design problem suddenly comes to him after he had given it up for lost.
Besides software design, William also took an interest in the humanities in school, particularly philosophy. He is passionate about subjects like human nature, who we are, what our purpose in life is, and what lies in our future. He often stays on top of current events locally, nationally and worldwide.